♥ Tuesday, September 25, 2007
People who watch anime know that there are usually songs which are specially written for the characters in the anime, known as "image songs". As I posted before, the great and beautiful Hououji Fuu is my FAVORITE character in Magic Knight Rayearth so today will be the post of her image songs!
Now, most of them are love songs, written to describe her love to Ferio (God these girls sure think a lot on their journey).
The lyrics are really cute!
When I silently chant your name
It refrains in my chest like my favorite song
My heart races every time I see you
As if the wind was playing a piano
No matter how much I practice, I can't get better
The wind of loneliness just continues to crescendo
Stars in eyes, you in my heart. Is this... love?
I draw, then erase, your caricature
With each recollection, I dream, and my cheeks just feel hot
The portrait of a smile that erasing doesn't diminish
I hit the piano again, unable to sleep
You probably cannot teach your heart lessons
But I still want to gently bring you the kindness of forte
I hope this prayer reaches you someday
Gentle breeze... deliver this sonata of the heart
Sonata of the Breeze 微風のそなちね
Kawaii lyrics! Ahaha. I will post another 2 image songs... they're all really happy and sweet and lovely. Nice for stress-relief. Anyway, these songs... they don't hold any significance for me as the subject of the song... I don't have such a person in mind.
... The lyrics of her other 2 image songs are untranslated, etc.
So, let's wait. Bye.
Listened to music @ 10:04 PM
♥ Sunday, September 23, 2007
Hey all! Today is going to be a picture post so expect pics (duh), A LOT of pics! AHAHA
Anyway, I've finished watching Magic Knight Rayearth's anime, OVAs. I'm missing the mangas now, though...
First off, pics of my absolutely favourite character from MKR...

Fuu in her fully evolved armor.

Oh yeah.

Fuu in her "normal" form.

One of my favorite pics of Fuu. Did you know that her sword is the longest (2m+) and the heaviest out of all 3 swords?

My absolutely favorite pic of Fuu. Windam, her Rune-God is like my favorite Rune-God as well. What a coincidence!


My 3rd favorite Fuu pic. Unfortunately, I've never seen this OP/ED song in the anime...

Whenever her glasses go all white like this, Fuu is prolly thinking of something spastic (like suggesting Umi to eat Mokona [background]) or she's angry. Either way, it's interesting to see her in this "form".

Guess whose finger is that on her chin? Yes, it's Ferio!

Fuu looks beautiful even when she's worried about others.

Fuu and Ferio is my favorite couple in the anime too.
Now, a little something about our Magic Knight of Wind.

Full name: Hououji Fuu 鳳凰寺風
Literal meaning of her name: Wind Shrine of the Phoenix
Birthdate: 12th December
Horoscope: Saggitarius
Blood type: A
Favorite food: Sushi
Least favorite food: Yucky food
Favorite subject: Maths
Least favorite subject: Art
Hobby: Reading
Specialty: Computer programming
CCA: Archery Club
Career goal: Computer engineer
Family: Parents, older sister; Kuu
Extra info: Always smiling but is actually quite a strategist. Likes to state the obvious. (which irritates Umi, prolly cos of her Pisces nature) In love with Ferio. Extremely polite (lol she calls monsters Mr. Monster)
Rune-God: Windam, Lord of the Skies
Weapon: Bow and arrow (before the Escudo incident)
An extremely long and heavy bastard sword (from the Escudo jewel)
What she represents in Cephiro: Knowledge, the Past, Wind
Battle style: Defense over Offense
Spells: Iyashi no Kaze/癒しの風 (Winds of Healing)
Mamori no Kaze/護りの風 (Winds of Protection)
Winds of Abdonishment/Immobilization
Midori no Shipuu/翠のしぷう(Emerald Typhoon)
Midori no Zenpuu/翠のぜんぷう(Emerald Gale)
Magic Knight Rayearth is really a nice anime... I'll be on the quest to find the manga after SA2.
Anyway, more pics of the anime!

Umi, Hikaru and Fuu in their Chizeta, Autozam and Fahren clothing respectively.

Umi, Hikaru and Fuu in their Magic Knight armor.

The girls and Mokona in chibi mode... Haha.

My ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE pic of all! Everyone is in chibi mode! Kawaii!
Listened to music @ 12:10 AM
♥ Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm depressed now. Very depressed.
Firstly shitty things have been happening to me, coupled with rain in the two weeks before this week... the pattern is existent again.
Okay, my father realized that he has money missing in his wallet. He accuses me, saying that I stole the money to pay off debts or something. He threatened me by saying that it's either I confess or he calls the police.
And what do I have to do? Own up, even though I bloody didn't steal any money at all. He still asked me how much I stole like wtf? I didn't even steal anything how would I know how much I stole?! Anyway I said $50 and he looked unconvinced so I said $200 before he walked away.
... I don't understand what is up with my family. It's just messed up and it's making me feel worse. The effects of the Pattern has gone worse each time it happens...
Anyway, I watched the 7pm show on Channel 8 just now and there's this break-up scene which I felt just made a lot of sense; I edited some key words so that they fit into the context... so here it is. They are in quotations, by the way.
"Do you know what the most heartbreaking distance in this world is? It's when two people, who are worlds apart in their perceptions, character and personalities meet each other and become good friends. And then one day, because of mistakes that one of them made, they stopped liking each other, and they started to drift apart, to such an extent that they were further from each other than when they first met."
I guess... we'll have to keep that distance?
When my heart was broken for the first time, if you weren't by my side, even under the beautiful sky, I wouldn't be able to stop the rain from falling on my heart.
I still remember all the things that you had done for me, those times when we laughed together, so innocently. You changed my perception of friends and I matured along the way too. But as I remembered the good times, I remembered the bad times as well. The times when I said horrible things to you and we drifted apart because of me.
This guilt and remorse that haunts me... How do I describe it?
You're really unique and nice... I guess I'm not unique and nice enough.
Even if I were to apologize a billion times, I know it wouldn't make a difference.
All I can do now is to pretend that I don't care so that you'd give up and never forgive me again, for I am afraid that I will hurt you again...
Perhaps I'm selfish, because I didn't consider your feelings but there's no time even for myself to consider my feelings, for I must try to forget, albeit the difficulty.
It was never my wish to let go and leave, yet if I don't, I'll regret it, unless I change, and change is hard for our innate self is as such.
Maybe, it was a mistake, and it was my fault to have dragged you in some trick that the people up there wishes to play on me.
I'm just so tired now...
Someday, things will be better.
Listened to music @ 9:18 PM
♥ Wednesday, September 19, 2007
151st post! Hahaha.
I changed my blogskin to ayumi's HEAVEN... it doesn't look too posh or anything but it's decent. =)
Anyway, I've discovered certain surprising things... and it makes me happy. Haha
Even though it's only one matter but it certainly can make my spirits high!
I failed the Chem paper for ca2. But when we were told to check the marks, I got 55.1! Thanks to homework marks and class tests. So, I passed chem in the end. I really hope I can keep this up, since chem'll be my best after language and humans.
Now for the bad stuff.
Singapore is humid. In fact, it's so humid now, I'm soaked in perspiration. It sucks, it's stuffy, it's uncomfortable...
Today in Geog, we watched a video on global warming... and in the video there were like totally cute polar bears and seals and they're gonna die if global warming keeps up... Aww...
Anyway, all good and bad things aside, I, once again, found something new in life.
Perhaps it's better to be nonchalant, but again, it'll be better to care more.
Which is right?
I believe that most of the things we do depend on the situation.
Because there are two sides to a coin, there are two extremes in our behavior.
When faced in a situation, what can we do?
Be nonchalant, or go all out to confront it and get a happy ending?
I realized that it'll be better if I be nonchalant. After all, I know we'll all be happier in this way.
Hahaha, life's good and it shall always be!
Believe in your heart 信じの心
Listened to music @ 11:10 PM
♥ Thursday, September 06, 2007
150th Anniversary!
Anyway, on the previous post when I said that there were 3 songs that I'd like to post... I've decided against it, for I have one song that I have in mind now to post now. It is in Chinese, so I'll post that and personally translate it as well.
But before I do that, here is a quote.
"The Most Valuable Thing In This World"
What is it for me? I know I can answer right away, that it is a person. But how much do I mean it?
Sometimes, when I think back on how I behave towards other people, I really wonder, why am I showing them a feeling which I am obviously not feeling at all? I've always mentioned that it was because I'm afraid I'll be labeled as acting emo, but perhaps it was just me. Perhaps I should just try to show my true emotions next time.
The most valuable thing in this world... as much as I am telling myself an answer, I know what it really is. It's just my dogmatic, pathetic little opinions that piss people off and cause my own death. Many a time, I only see things in my own pathetic perception, without using other people's perceptions. I know, I suck.
Sometimes, when you take things for granted, you'll realize that when it's gone, it really wasn't worth it, to take it for granted.
Perhaps if I hadn't said XXX, if I hadn't said YYY... do you know how many times I'm telling that to myself before I sleep? I know how BIG a difference it'd make if I actually shut my mouth up for one day and keep my dogmatic, pathetic little opinions to myself.
I hate myself for taking the best things that have happened around me for granted. I hate myself for thinking that someone actually should rightfully spend 24/7 with me and ONLY ME. How freaking selfish? Don't I actually know that every human on this earth has his OWN life, his OWN friends, his OWN world? I'm so selfish for not thinking so.
I hate myself for expressing my dogmatic, pathetic little opinions that place no value except for pissing people off. I hate myself for being an idiot and hurting everyone around me. I hate myself for thinking that I am the best when I am nothing more than nothing. I hate myself for thinking that I am perfect, when no one is perfect. I hate myself for being dogmatic and dominant.
Oh yeah just when I am express my utmost hatred to myself, some screwed up virus keeps getting sent to my MSN contacts. And who got the virus? MY BROTHER. I'm pissed and full of hatred towards myself that I shan't bother about him.
I hate myself for being a total bastard, by being insensitive to everything around me.
Most of all, I hate myself because I failed to appreciate him.
Am I suffering? Am I upset? I don't know, and I don't wish to, for it doesn't matter. All I know how to do now is to live every day, without anything in view.
I'm not as strong as you think I am; I'm only good at using smiles to fake through everything. Isn't it so?
呼吸着一种孤独的味道 心跳在你沉默以后慢慢的被淡忘掉 我笑了笑反正你看不到 我要的幸福 遗落在你怀抱 当爱失了焦 那些最初的美好 早被你搁在一角 街上拥挤人潮 走着看着都是摧眠符号 记忆停不了 穿过读你的心跳 穿过想你的味道 我只想不被打扰 假装多好我只要 只想要再拥有一秒 去相信你的拥抱 一直会让我依靠 继续等待 还心甘情愿的不想逃
当爱失了焦 那些最初的美好 早被你搁在一角 街上拥挤人潮 走着看着都是摧眠符号 记忆停不了 穿过读你的心跳 穿过想你的味道 我只想不被打扰 假装多好我只要 只想要再拥有一秒 去相信你的拥抱 一直会让我依靠 继续等待 心甘情愿不想逃 假装多好依然是 依然是暧昧的tone调 一个人无理取闹 两人世界的煎熬 我被自己困在自己设下的圈套 像是驼鸟 相信时间是唯一解药 视而不见 傻到了无可救药 其实早明了 你的爱已随风飘 想要找 再也找不到 假装多好我只要 只想要再拥有一秒 去相信你的拥抱 还心甘情愿的不想逃 假装多好依然是 依然是暧昧的tone调 一个人无理取闹 两人世界的煎熬 我被自己困在自己设下的圈套 假装自己 已解开冰冷的手铐 |
Breathing in a kind of loneliness
My heartbeat is forgotten slowly after your silence
I laughed a little; You can't see it anyway
The happiness I want
Is already in your embrace
When love lost its focus
The initial loving memories
Had already been kicked aside by you
The street is crowded with people
It's all causes of hypnotism
The memories can't stop flowing
They passed through your heartbeat
They passed through the taste of missing you
I just don't want to be interrupted
How nice would it be to pretend
I just want and only want one more second
To believe that your embrace
Will always be somewhere I can lean on
Continuing to wait
To the extent of staying willingly
When love lost its focus
The initial loving memories
Had already been kicked aside by you
The street is crowded with people
It's all causes of hypnotism
The memories can't stop flowing
They passed through your heartbeat
They passed through the taste of missing you
I just don't want to be interrupted
How nice would it be to pretend
I just want and only want one more second
To believe that your embrace
Will always be somewhere I can lean on
Continuing to wait
To the extent of staying willingly
How nice would it be to pretend
It still is, it still is
The tone of ambiguity
Being unreasonable alone
The tortures of the worlds of two people
I've been trapped in the trap that I've set up
Like an ostrich
Believing that time is the only antidote
Out of sight, out of mind
Foolish till there's no way out
Actually I've long understood
That your love had flew with the wind
Wanting to find
Yet never to find
How nice would it be to pretend
I just want and only want one more second
To believe that your embrace
Will always be somewhere I can lean on
Continuing to wait
To the extent of staying willingly
How nice would it be to pretend
It still is, it still is
The tone of ambiguity
Being unreasonable alone
The tortures of the worlds of two people
I've been trapped in the trap that I've set up
I pretend that I've already been released from my cold handcuffs...
假装 --- 蔡依林
Listened to music @ 10:37 PM
♥ Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Taking the fact that my brother is not in the house, I watched the Countdown Live 2006-2007 concert by Ayumi, just so that I'd feel better cos of a totally shitty thing that happened just now... and certain memories deciding to haunt me.
After the concert, I felt happier... and with a tinge of sadness as well.
What happened before everything was, yesterday when I shut down the computer, all was fine. But this morning, when I decided to switch it on to print out the maths answers, I couldn't switch it on and confronted my brother. As usual he tried to push the blame to me but when I nailed him down with solid proof, heh as usual he said, "I didn't ask for your comments so just shut up."
We all know what happened after. Anyway, I obviously needed a getaway. So I watched Ayumi's countdown concert.
She sang three songs which struck me when I remembered their lyrics. I'll definitely post them here later on.
These three songs all had a similar theme, somewhat of a gratitude towards someone... a lot of her songs have such a theme and it's because of such songs that remind me that there are people out there who care for me, despite the obvious unloving-ness in my family.
Listened to music @ 11:39 PM
♥ Sunday, September 02, 2007
Because there is a reason for everything we do, I fully understand.
In this world, nothing happens without a reason. Even love at first sight is a reason why you love someone. Sometimes, people don't tell others their reasons, in particular to the person who's involved. With that is misunderstandings and wronged feelings, often leading to wrath, jealousy, despair etc.
I know all that, because I did all that. Perhaps I might be someone who never hides anything from anybody but how well do you know me? Maybe there is somethings that I have done for people but never told them? Or perhaps there are reasons to why I behave differently to different people but I never said why?
Of course, I often misunderstand people and pass judgments without thinking much. I offend and hurt people. I get angry, depressed and jealous.
It wasn't until now that I realized that everything happens for a reason. The reason why people don't talk all of a sudden, or why people decided to change their diet, or why people changed their sleeping times, or why people decided to be crazy, or why people decided to love, or why people decided to slap someone in the face... all these are with unexplainable reasons, and we can't guess what the reasons are because we simply are not them.
Sometimes, if we just put ourselves into other people's shoe and think about the situation and anything that happened before, we'd know, why they did certain things. It's hard of course because there's always that "Then what about me?" question going on. But, what if there is also someone else who puts himself into your shoes? Therefore, "Then what about me?" is seriously unnecessary.
Having said that, there are of course the lame reasons, in which some people's reasons for their actions are simply lame and illogical. To me, "I did it for fun." is not really a reason. Hence, we must always think before we leap.
Of course, what are reasons to us might be excuses to others. What might be perfectly fine reasons to us may just hurt that person.
Anyway, think about it, the next time you observe someone not doing what he usually does, ask yourself, "Is there a reason?" Then proceed to analyze and put yourself in his shoes. It won't be long before you realize why he did that certain thing.
Perhaps if I had realized that earlier, everything would be different.
I murmured "The sun's too bright", and hid the tears flowing from eyes.
Listened to music @ 9:11 PM