♥ Thursday, August 31, 2006
Everyday is so wonderful
Then suddenly
It's hard to breathe
Now and then I get insecure
From all the pain
I'm so ashamed
I am beautiful
No matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful
In every single way
Yes words can't bring me down
Ohh no
So don't you bring me down today
To all your friends you're delirious
You're so consumed
In all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone
Left the puzzle undone
That's the way it is
You are beautiful
No matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
Ohh no
You are beautiful
In every single way
Yes words can't bring you down
Ohh no
So don't you bring me down today
No matter what we do
No matter what we say
The sun will shine your way
'Cause you are beautiful today
Everywhere we go
The sun won't always shine
But tomorrow's another day
So keep on looking to the sky
We are beautiful
No matter what they say
Words can't bring us down
Ohh no
We are beautiful
In every single way
Yes words can't bring us down
Ohh no
So don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down
"Beautiful" Christina Augilera from the album "Stripped"

Yes Christina, thanks for the song. I will blog about your wonderous song today.
Who couldn't agree that you always hate somebody?
But the question is, do YOU allow your haters to succeed? Do YOU allow them to think they did it? If your answer is yes, oh well you are pathetic. But defenitely all humans out there would anwser a no. And yes, why should you allow your haters to succeed?
Hating someone is like clenching your fist really hard. Doing that will result in loss of sleep cos the blood vessels to the neck are blocked up thus you'll have neck aches and you can't sleep cos of that. All in all, hating is like clenching your fist --- there is a chain reaction.
And to stop it, is to have confidence in yourself, is to have the belief that you are not what they say you are, i.e, if they say you're a loser, then have the belief that you are a winner, no matter what, they must never succeed in dissing if not, you have lost.
In reference to Christina's "Beautiful", the lyrics speak so much even though the song is a wonderful ballad; it looks quiet and reserved but the lyrics so much more.
Yup, so my haters. You guys totally FAILED to be a hater and a disser. Sorry guys to blow your bubbles, but you have failed to affect me. So kiss your ass and cry to yourself and drown yourself in self-pity. Choose to persist, and you'll get my respect, but of course, we'll see who's the last one laughing.
Yup, so move on with your life, for mistakes and setbacks are all but stones to trip you, choose to stay there or to continue, is all YOUR choice, not your haters' not your parents.
Ok, we shall talk about fun stuff.
Woot! I got a 31.5/50 for Chemistry! And the rest... after the holidays (like how dumb.)
Bye, for now.
Jun Xiang posted on Thursday, 31st August, 2006, 15 35 hours.
Listened to music @ 3:25 PM
♥ Saturday, August 26, 2006
Life is a gift; a blessing, we should cherish it.
It's the norm to be hated; no is 100% popular.
The people who hate you are the people who want to be like you.
When someones hate you, he loves you too.
However, we can always try to make peace with that person.
And if he doesn't accept your wish, so be it.
Cos in life we must learn to accept that we can only make an offer, we can't force ourselves on anyone.
We can do it if we really believe it, we will only ruin ourselves up if we think that we can't do it.
What is life all about? Finding out the purpose of our life, or find out the purpose of the people around us?
Life is some kind of bliss, eh? I must say I am blessed with the good things that happened to me, let the bad things slide.
Born to blossom, bloom to perish.
I always that I could find someone as beautiful and talented as you, but in the process I forgot that I was just as special and gifted too.
Don't we all feel that way? We compare ourselves to everybody, we whine how lucky they are cos they have something we don't, cos they have a "talent that we think they have.
Let's just take my seniors for example. I used to think that my seniors are like so good cos they've got talent and I don't. I used to find excuses for myself to hinder myself from improving. And that was the mindset I had when I was in the tuba section. But now, after transferring sections, perhaps it's because of time, I realised that no, they don't have talent. They worked hard for the stage that they are in now, they worked their ass off. And me? I drowned myself in self-pity. That's why I was so horrible in my tuba, and now, I am positive that I can do it. I don't have to be pro tomorrow, someday I will be good, because no matter what, I'll have my seniors as role models and their faith in me to motivate me.
I shall reach for the stars that I yearn for every night.
Omg, Chemistry on Monday! Yeah I have studied enough and yes I am going to do well in it.
I wonder if those haters think that they have succeeded in bringing me down.
Forbidden love, what do you do with it? Choose to persis will only cause pain in both parties and love ---> pain ---> hatred, we must learn to let go.
Cos love is all about making that person happy, not possessing him.
Don't just want it, do it!
I shall be a happy goober. =)
Jun Xiang blogged on Saturday, 26th August, 2006, 21 39 hours.
Listened to music @ 9:40 PM
♥ Thursday, August 24, 2006
I hate my family.
They have no faith in me and they don't believe in me.
Long ago when I just started band, I hated it cos I thought I was forced in it.
Then I grew attached to it, and I loved it.
Then my enthusiasm got the better of me and I wanted masterclass lessons.
And when I told my parents, guess what they said?
"You have NO talent in this, what's the point of wasting our money?"
"Band is USELESS, concentrate on your studies."
Hello! They actually said I had NO talent! Like parents have no belief and faith in me! Christopher Boone's parents have faith in him even though he's got Asperger's Syndrome, why not my parents?
Gosh, my parents suck.
And like I told my mum I studied in the afternoon (which I really did) and like she didn't believe me and told me to go study and like she still wants me to buy dinner and do the laundry, like what the hell.
And like they totally have no trust, faith and belief in me. And I believe that love comes from these 3 sources and yet there isn't = my parents do not love me.
If being a parent has to toture the child until like that, I'd rather not be one.(but kids are so cute!)
They totally painted my world black, my parents who have no faith in me.
And I wrote a song in my mind, ok I shall not write repeat choruses cos I've got no time now.
They say love needs faith,
Cos with trust comes love.
But right here where I sleep,
Where is the love?
They say a home is a sancturay for a child,
Why thank you, my hell.
My broken family,
this song is for you,
did you ever have faith in me,
did you ever believe me?
You only wanted me to excel,
in what you want me to do,
Did you forget.
That this is my life?
So I live everyday,
with fear and suspicion,
cos I know I'm like an ex-convict,
never trusted and loved.
They say a home is a sancturay for a child,
Why thank you, my hell.
My broken family,
this song is for you,
did you ever have faith in me,
did you ever believe me?
You only wanted me to excel,
in what you want me to do,
Did you forget.
That this is my life?
Broken promises,
you put me down,
You told me to
Fuck it up
But I can't do
what you want me to
To hell with freedom of speech!
Just shut up, I don't need your comments.
My broken family,
this song is for you,
did you ever have faith in me,
did you ever believe me?
You only wanted me to excel,
in what you want me to do,
Did you forget.
That this is my life?
Did you forget.
That this is my life?
"It's My Life" lyrics by Jun Xiang
*thnaks to xiaohao for the line to hell with freedom of speech.*
Ok, and like first it was Mathilda now it's Nurul. Singapore is wasting its talent.
I swear to God, if Paul or Hady get kicked out, I'll change my citizenship to an American.
Jun Xiang confessed on Thursday, August 24th, 2006, 21 44 hours.
Listened to music @ 9:45 PM
♥ Tuesday, August 22, 2006
In Hollywood, female stars/singers are often the target of producers to use sex to sell, publicize, attract sales, and to well, sastify guys, and the lesbians.
So in this post that I have titled "Sex Sells" I'm gonna post a few pictures of your famous female stars/singers who use sex to sell. Not that they are not talented but still it's their theory.

When Kylie Minogue released "Red Blooded Woman" as the third single from her album "Body Language", she prolly realised that her male fans were too dumb to visualize what a red blooded woman is, so she did the job for them. Oh, Kylie, you are so kind.

When Liz Phair released her 4th album "Liz Phair" in 2003, she prolly realised that her BIG jump from indie rock to pop isn't BIG enough to shcok us, she decided to make the sluttiest album cover ever in her career, and like I would post her other album covers.

Her debut album in 1993, "Exile In Guyville", looks sassy but not slutty.

"Whip-Smart", her sophomore effort, released in 1996, oh gosh it's fugly!

"whitechocolatespaceegg" her third album, released in 1998, cover looks serene and FAKE, like it was painted.
And then it was in 2003, as you saw above.
Ok, eh let's look at Faith Hill.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Faith Hill, a woman who belts out a "I try to love myself and Jesus" in her song "I Am Me" in her 2002 album, "Cry". Tsk tsk tsk. Lingerie shot... haiz...

Omg, Britney! Looking innocent and sweet! Where is the one that the boys wanna see?

Is the one they wanna see?

You think her 2003 album, "In The Zone" is all horny and nice but the album cover is so... innocent.

Wahaha she got your dick erect when you flipped the album.
And when she sings in this album you feel so sexual as she moves through songs of breathing-sex "Breathe On Me", masturbation "Touch Of My Hand", yes she wants to seduce you.
Listened to music @ 5:16 PM
♥ Friday, August 18, 2006
I shall declare this to the world. Like now.
I have decided that since nothing is progressing between us. I shall sink the love boat. I shall not do anything that hints love to him anymore. Cos I know it's impossible between us and I shall just try to be friends with him. I may have abandoned the love boat but I shall start the friendship boat now. And I will try to be friends. On board the friendship boat!
Ok a song to embark on this. It's Cool by Gwen Stefani, a very beautiful song.
It's hard to remember how it felt before
Now I found the love of my life...
Passes things get more comfortable
Everything is going right
And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
We used to think it was impossible
Now you call me by my new last name
Memories seem like so long ago
Time always kills the pain
Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look at how the kids have grown
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles, and now we're hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
"Cool" Gwen Stefani, from the album "Love. Angel. Music. Baby"
So you can see from the lyrics that it's about this couple that like broke up and like they're best buds now and it's cool. Cool, eh?.
Yeah, it's so nice to let go. I can breathe easier now. Perhaps I'll be free of pain now.
But after all, I'm made of glass. =) Haha I know that things will be better.
Jun Xiang blogged on Friday, 18th August, 2006, 17 45 hours.
Listened to music @ 5:46 PM
♥ Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Today is the 16th August... which means... that... it is the birthday of the greatest gay icon ever, the greatest icon ever, the greatest mum ever, the greatest singer ever, the greatest re-inventor ever, the greatest person ever's birthday!
Let me proudly announce that... today... is... Madonna's birthday!!!!
Pop the champanges for this icon, her 48th birthday! She's offically 48 now, old but still keeping young there eh?
Lol, I shall post a few pics of this birthday girl.

Looks wonderful!

On the cover of Vanity Fair, with her daughter, in 1998.
Lol. Whatever.
Listened to music @ 10:15 PM
♥ Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Saturday steppin' into the club
The music makes me wanna tell the DJ
Turn It Up
I feel the energy all around
And my body can't stop moving to the sound
But I can tell that you're watching me
And you're probably gonna write what you didn't see
Well I just need a little space to breathe
Can you please respect my privacy
Why can't you just let me
Do the things I wanna do
I just wanna be me
I don't understand why
Would you wanna bring me down
I'm only having fun
I'm gonna live my life(but not the way you want me to)
I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is
Here we are back up in the club
People taking pictures
Don't you think they get enough
I just wanna be all over the floor
And throw my hands up in the air to a beat like (What?)
I've gotta say respectfully
I would like it if you take the cameras off of me
'Cause I just want a little room to breathe
Can you please respect my privacy
Why can't you just let me
Do the things I wanna do
I just wanna be me
I don't understand why
Would you wanna bring me down
I'm only having fun
I'm gonna live my life(But not the way you want me to)
I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lyin
gSaying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is
I just need to free my mind
Just wanna dance and have a good time
I'm tired of rumors
What they follow me
Why can't they let me live
Take this for just what it is
I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is
"Rumors" Lindsay Lohan from the album "Speak"
Spontaniety, rumors, lies, gossip, bitching, discrimination, isolation, insults, hatred, envy, wrath, criticizing, mockery, revenge, being a slut, getting an arse of a time, experiencing the horror of puberty and girl power (cos the above mentioned are done by girls), and dissing.
Can you deny all the above mentioned when you hate someone? No one can, cos everyone will do them cos everyone (yes including those with a penis attached) have female hormones thus they'll do them.
However, sometimes, things go way too overboard for anyone to handle. Thus, you have songs that inspire you. =) To be strong and have hope.
Thomas Chua some guy came on Monday to a talk for us, and I realised just how blessed I am. If having Alrick and Ken really hating me and dissing me is end of the world to me, maybe I should think again.
And also to life, we live by stupid rules in school again, but seriously I hate the rules. In fact I hate all rules, but there are alot of people out there and sometimes including yours truly, take it for granted if there are no rules, therefore, rules have to be enforced to keep those thick-skinned sluts at bay. It's not cos you have to keep order blah blah blah.
And what I really want, my philophosy is...
Life is a work of art
You've gotta keep it colorful
You can paint it anything you want
Don't ever stick to any rules
You just gotta have no doubt
Just believe in yourself
Extract from "Drama Queen (That Girl)", Lindsay Lohan
Cool eh? I love those lines.
Sometimes I think band is like a fastlane, not only band, life too, is like a fastlane, it moves so fast that you don't even know that you have wasted your own time, and cos it's so fast, do you have the time for friends? Do you have the time to be not alone 24/7? It's simply impossible.
MSSB - The Fastlane
Things don't go to your wishes, when things go in the way in which you don't want, what can you do? Whin about it 24/7 or do something about it?
Whatever that comes easily goes easily. So does it mean that what comes difficultly goes difficultly? Then why don't I feel so?
I'm a slave for my life, I let my life dance upon me, I let it rule me, I let it control me, I allow Mr. Destiny and Ms. Fate to play their effing little hands on my life. My life is messed up cos I'm so reactive to my surroundings. It is high time that I start to be pro-active.
Oh, for the love of God.
Ok, I shall end this post with a "My Perogative" by Britney Spears, ok ok, it's ORIGINALLY sung by Bobby Brown, but seriously, Britney does the song in a sexy way and I like it. And I ONLY idolize teen idols (Britney, Justin Timberlake, Lindsay Lohan and the list goes on...), gay icons (Madonna, Kylie Minogue) and some country singers (Faith Hill! Shania Twain and Trisha Yearwood {Omg I love Jasper County}). Whatever.
The word "perogative" means the right to or just simply rights. And I think that I shouldn't be deprived of my perogative to do anything I want. I have the perogative to say what I want. Girls should have the perogative to kick us boys' asses. (Ok so our contempory girlfriends are developing this perogative.) Whatever. I think the lyrics just reflect on my dumb life and I hope it'll inspire you and I hope you'll start jamming to Britney Spears and if you are, then try out Madonna too and then you can go taste Kylie Minogue.
People can take everything away from you
But they can never take away your truth
But the question is..
Can you handle mine?
They say I'm crazy
I really don't care
That's my prerogative
They say I'm nasty
But I don't give a damn
Getting boys is how I live
Some ask me questions
Why am I so real?
But they don't understand me
I really don't know the deal about my sister
Trying hard to make it right
Not long ago
Before I won this fight
Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, make my own decisions
That's my prerogative
That's my prerogative (It's my prerogative)
It's the way that I wanna live (It's my prerogative)
You can't tell me what to do
Don't get me wrong
I'm really not souped
Ego trips is not my thing
All these strange relationships really gets me down
I see nothing wrong in spreading myself around
Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, make my own decisions
That's my prerogative
That's my prerogative
Why can't I live my life without all of the things that people say?
Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, make my own decisions
That's my prerogative (They say I'm crazy)
Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live? (They say I'm nasty)
I don't need permission, make my own decisions
That's my prerogative(It's my prerogative)
"My Perogative" Britney Spears from the album Greatest Hits: My Perogative
Muacks buh-bye see you my dear blog readers real soon. =)
Jun Xiang blogged on Tuesday, 15th August, 2006, 22 06 hours.
Listened to music @ 10:07 PM
♥ Sunday, August 13, 2006
I'm made of glass.
Love makes the world go round, I watch it slip away, I saw you fade away.
Love is a mystery, I hear it talk to me but the words are strange.
Put yourself in my shoes, how much do you know about me?
I've done alot for you, can I get a sign that you know I've done that much?
Made of glass, made of love, I'm fragile in any way.
Won't you lift me up, high upon your love?
Set me free.
Cos I can't get you out of my head.
It was love at first sight.
I should be so lucky to know a hottie like you =).
I can't stop giving you up.
What do I have to do to get the message through that I really love you?
Oh God was that crap? No, cos the person whom I love, I'm sure you know who you are, all these messages above are for you.
Whatever, I'm not in the mood to blog now.
Jun Xiang blogged on Sunday, 13th August, 2006, 21 25 hours.
Listened to music @ 9:26 PM
♥ Saturday, August 12, 2006
I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid
Because of you
"Because Of You" Kelly Clarkson from the album "Breakaway"
Am I born into this family to be deprived of my dreams? Am I to live, overshadowed by materialistic stuff like academics? My purpose in this life is to fufill my dreams and be happy, but sadly, my family is not allowing me of the space I want, the space for my wings to spread, so that I can fly...
When I wanted to choose my CCA in sec1, who was the one who pushed me to join band? Not me, I wanted to join Archery Club, but it was you, my dear parents who pushed me to join band, and now I've grown attached to band and love it to the core, you complain to me that the practice times are too long and what now? You want to pull me out? It's not going to be that easy for me to break my ties with MSSB. You are so anti-music, do I actually get the time to practice my trumpet? Do I actually get to even touch my trumpet? I can only practice when no one is at home. Why? Cos I am the only person in my "home" who likes music! I can't even be enthusiastic in my music. When I said that I wanted to take masterclass lessons, what did you tell me? "You don't have the talent, what is the point of practicing so hard, waste your money on such stuff, isn't it better if you study hard and get good results?" No! I am not happy at all! Even if I get As for everything, would I be happy? I will only live in regret that I did not pursue my dreams of music, sitting at the office from 9 to 5 is not for me. And now what? I have to take masterclass lessons sneakily, getting straight to Pasir Ris from school rushing there, when I could do it on a weekend, paying everything myself, scrimping and saving when you could just pay for me. Your materialism deprives me of my dreams and passion.
And everytime you quarrel, why do I have to be the one for you to complain and cry to? Why can't you find brother/sister? Why is it me? I am not a professional councilor, I can't help you either, so stop whining and crying and complaing and get off me! I cry for nights, wishing things will go away, wishing that you would understand me more and actually realise that music, is what I want to do. To realise that I am hiding away, crying, cursing myself, blaming myself, everytime you quarrel. You vent your anger on me, you treat me like a punching bag. Do you realise how unfair I felt? Did you realise my pain and wrath and torment? How much do you know about me?
It's not as if we are poor, it's not as if you are quarreling over extra-marital affairs, c'mon you are quarreling over the stupidiest things, the most childish things, I'm sick and tired of this, I want it to end, it's not my fault that you are "suffering", it has nothing to do with me at all.
I've gotta pay for my handphone, my Zen, my everything with my own money, oh God I feel like I'm working for myself, my parents are just there to provide me with a roof above my head, my daily needs. Where is the love? It's more to me like obligation that you are taking care of me.
Everyday, I feel empty and dark inside, I have some seniors who already really hate me and like that is tiring enough, things have gone quiet which is good but why does my family matters brew up again? Why can't my two greatest obstacles in my teenage life just end like that? Why do they have to keep re-surfacing? Why can't they just stop?
Life is not a bed of roses, but my life is. Roses without petals, just the stalk that pricks my heart everyday.
S.O.S, please someone help me, it's not healthy for me to keep this inside, Y.O.U are making this hard.
Breakaway, to able to spread my wings and fly out of this "home" of mine.
If I ever become a father (of course I would, I love kids), I would never deprive my children of their love and dreams like you do.
They say a home is a sanctuary of children, a place where they learn everything first, but no, MSSB is where I treat as my home, my seniors are whom I regard as parents and siblings, why do they weigh more than my "home"?
If I had just one tear running down your cheek
Maybe I could cope maybe I'd get some sleep
If I had just one moment at your expense
Maybe all my misery would be well spent
Could you cry a little
Lie just a little
Pretend that you're feeling a little more pain
I gave now I 'm wanting
Something in return
So cry just a little for me
If your love could be caged, honey
I would hold the key
And conceal it underneath the pile of lies you handed me
And you'd hunt those lies
They'd be all you'd ever find
And that'd be all you'd have to know
For me to be fine
And you'd cry a little
Die just a little and baby
I would feel just a little less pain
I gave now I'm wanting
Something in return
So cry just a little for me
Give it up baby
I hear your're doing fine
Nothin's gonna save me
I can see it it your eyes
Some kind of heartache
Darlin give it a try
I dont want pity
I just want what is mine
Could you cry a little
Lie just a little
Pretend that your're feeling a little more pain
I gave now I'm wanting
Something in retrun
So cry just a little for me
Cry just a little for me
Could you cry a little for me?
Cry just a little for me
"Cry" Faith Hill from the album Cry
I gave so much to this family, sacrificed so much, is it too much to ask you to cry for me?
Jun Xiang blogged on Saturday, 12th August, 2006, 23 20 hours.
Listened to music @ 11:26 PM
♥ Friday, August 11, 2006
I don't need anyone but maybe perhaps someone as special and exotic as you. =)
And then we kiss.
I feel the rush of your lips touching against mine, over and over again.
And then we kiss.
Our lips touched each other for the first time in the morning.
And then we kiss.
The sheer joy of locking your lips.
Take me, hold me, won't you love me?
And then we kissed.
I don't wanna let go of this kiss.
The sec4s got back their Chinese Oral and Listening grade today at 10am. Some scored really well, while some, didn't get the grade that they want. Guys, things will be better. I believe so. Cos I believe in you. =)
Heck that's all. Haha.
Jun Xiang blogged on Friday, 11th August, 2006, 22 15 hours.
Listened to music @ 10:15 PM
♥ Thursday, August 10, 2006
I was inspired by Kylie Minogue's 6th album, Impossible Princess, cos it reflects deeply on Kylie's life as a celebrity and all that, reminds me alot of Madonna's Ray of Light album, coincidentally, both albums were released in 1998... Hmph.
I know of this person who believes that he is a cusp of a Leo and a Virgo so I shall post here the characteristic of a cusp of Leo and Virgo. I hope it helps that person!
August 19 to August 23
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Moving past the exploration of the world and the need to nurture of the first four signs, Leo's great need is to create. Virgos, represented by the sixth sign of the zodiac, bring their skills and talents together for the good of others. Those born on the Leo/Virgo cusp have the vitality and ambition to be successful in their creative endeavors and are industrious and efficient when working for a good cause. The astrological symbol of Leo is the Lion. The astrological symbol of Virgo is the Virgin. The Virgin reflects the qualities of a virgin, rather than the definition: Virgos and Virgo cusps tend to be shy and somewhat nervous, and they may be undemonstrative.
The Leo/Virgo is a curious mixture of introverted and extroverted tendencies, modesty and flamboyance, and a capacity to see both the largest and the smallest picture in every situation. They are practical and logical, and extremely creative. Virgo and Virgo cusps are skilled at seeing all sides of a situation. In this way, Virgo exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it. Leo and Leo cusps hold strong, steady opinions and have a strong ability to see their projects through to the end. In this way, Leo exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it. Leo/Virgos are good businesspeople because of their methodical attention to detail and their ability to stick with a practical and organized routine. They are good organizers, and they tend to be popular, even inspiring.
Leo is ruled by the Sun. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger god. He was a quick, nervous type, and he was known for his strong reasoning and capacity for analyzing. Communication is his province. As a planet, Mercury is androgynous. In ancient times, the Sun was believed to be the center of the Universe, the core of existence, the Father. Leo/Virgo cusps are gregarious and social, fun-loving and live life with enthusiasm. The natural leadership of these people and their administrative prowess help ensure that their projects are successful. Leo/Virgos enjoy exploring subjects or interests deeply. They are very good at understanding the deeper meaning of what others say. They rely on logic rather than emotion to make their decisions. They are reliable, practical and diligent, but they can sometimes seem picky or overcritical to those who aren't as discriminating as they are.
Leo/Virgos are decisive and direct, optimistic that they will succeed. Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to stumbling blocks, but generally they are positive and their natural pride and stubborn streak keeps them from giving up. The element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are physical: they tend to respond to the world through action, rather than intellect or emotion. The element associated with Virgo is Earth. They tend to respond to the world by examining the worth of each possible response. Leo/Virgos, or Fire/Earth signs, are able to analyze and then take appropriate action. They are selective and discriminating, but are always moving and quick. Their warmhearted and outgoing personalities are fiery and abundant. They are cheerful and self-assured, and they are studious and sensible in business dealings. They are skeptical of extravagant claims and promises. Many Leo/Virgos, however, love to gamble, and may be brash and extravagant at the gaming table. They also tend to be very health-conscious. They are concerned with diet and hygiene. This interest in health ensures they take good care of their mental and physical selves.
In their leisure time, Leo/Virgos prefer to play in groups rather than solo. It is less important to them that exercise be interesting, so long as it is effective and social. Their perfectionism and physical strength make them strive to excel in whatever sport they choose.
In love relationships, Leo/Virgo is devoted and sometimes jealous, but not especially flirtatious. The great strength of Leo/Virgos is in their creativity and attention to detail, and their desire to be of service. They pick up on the little things that most miss. Thoughtful gifts or unique solutions to problems are second nature to those with this astrological placement. Their commitment to helping others makes them one of the most giving characters of the zodiac.
Taken from http://www.astrology.com/allaboutyou/cusps/leovirgo.html
So is that person furthur convinced now? Haha I sure hope so cos he does have the charactaristics of one. Especially the line "They are good organizers, and they tend to be popular, even inspiring. " I do agree with that!
Ok anyway, one more fact of the horoscopes.
Aries + Leo + Saggitarius = Fire Trinity
Gemini + Libra + Aquaris = Air Trinity
Taurus + Virgo + Capricorn = Earth Trinity
Cancer + Scorpio + Pisces = Water Trinity
All in all it means:
The Fire Trinity:
Aries, Leo and Saggitarius belong to a same group of horoscopes elements of fire. Being that, they are firey in nature and are thus aggressive.
Famous people of the fire element:
Aries --- Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Elton John
Leo --- Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Jessica Simpson
Saggitarius --- Brad Pitt, Britney Spears
The Air Trinity:
Gemini, Libra, Aquaris belong to the element of air and are thus expressive and airy in their thoughts.
Famous people of the air element:
Gemini --- Kylie Minogue, Benji/Joel Madden of Good Charlotte
Libra --- Hilary Duff, Ashlee Simpson, Gwen Stefani
Aquaris --- Nick Carter, Nick Lachey
The Earth Trinity:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are of the element Earth therefore they are earthy and down to earth people.
Famous people of the earth element:
Taurus --- Jessica Alba
Virgo --- Keanu Reeves, Avril Lavinge
Capricorn --- Orlando Bloom
The Water Trinity:
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the water elements and are the most emotional and healing of all.
Famous people in the water element:
Cancer --- Lindsay Lohan, Tom Cruise
Scorpio --- Brittany Murphy, Mark-Kate and Ashley Oslen
Pisces --- Jennifer Love Hewitt
Oh well since I'm bored let me post one more fact on horoscopes!
Aries X Cancer X Libra X Capricorn
Taurus X Leo X Scorpio X Aquaris
Gemini X Virgo X Saggitarius X Pisces
Let's group them as Group 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Group 1 is known as the Cardinal Signs.
Group 2 is known as the Fixed Signs.
Group 3 is known as the Mutuable Signs.
Cardinal --- Initatiors, pro-active
Fixed --- Persistent
Mututable --- Adaptable
Similarly, the charactaristics of the Quadrality (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutuable) can be explored with this question.
If someone throws a stone at you from the other side, what would you do?
a) Throw the stone back at him.
b) Take the hit and yell "That doesn't hurt, give me your best shot!"
c) Dodge the hit and stick your tongue out.
Option A refers to cardinal signs, option B refers to fixed signs, option C refers to mutuable signs.
In short, Cardinal signs retaliate, Fixed signs taunt, Mutuable signs dodge/avoid.
Also, they can be grouped in the following method.
Aries, Leo, Saggitarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquaris --- Positive/Masculine
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces --- Negative/Feminine
The Fire Trinity and the Water Trinity are the extremes, i.e, the Fire Trinity are the most masculine and the Water Trinity are the most feminine.
Omg, I can't stop talking about horoscopes!!! Ok, one last thing about them.
The Key Words, i.e, the life philosophy of each sign.
Aries --- I Am
Taurus --- I Have
Gemini --- I Think
Cancer --- I Feel
Leo --- I Will
Virgo --- I Analyze
Libra --- I Balance
Scorpio --- I Desire
Saggitarius --- I Perceive
Capricorn --- I Use
Aquaris --- I Know
Pisces --- I Believe
Jun Xiang confessed on Thursday, 10th August, 2006, 16 54 hours.
Listened to music @ 4:55 PM
♥ Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Thought that I was going crazy
Just having one those days yeah
Didn't know what to do
Then there was you
And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight
Baby when I heard you
For the first time I knew
We were meant to be as one
Was tired of running out of luck
Thinking 'bout giving up yeah
Didn't know what to do
Then there was you
And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight
Baby when I heard you
For the first time
I knew we were meant to be as one
And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out and filled up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight
Baby when I heard you
For the first time I knew
We were meant to be as one
It was love, it was love at first sight.
"Love at First Sight" Kylie Minogue from the album Fever.
Isn't it true, I don't know if you know this but the very first moment that I saw you, I was in love with you, I would everything for you, I feel it, the ectasy of love.
Your disco needs you as much as I need you.
Jun Xiang confessed on Wednesday, 9th August, 2006, 12 28 hours.
Listened to music @ 12:28 AM
♥ Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Omg I am like so high, posting twice in a day!
Anyway, I'm just bored so I'll post some lame stuff.
Music mix the bologniase and the rebel. Yes the rebel. Haha.
Melt me slowly down. Haha I am being lame, I told you I would be lame!
You are 80% Aries |
Lol, I am an Aries ok! Yeah I'm 80%! At least I didn't fail.
Ok, real blogging now.
Ok, I'm not saying like I'm some 100% enthu or what have you, but I find this very unfair. Since after the concert, I have come for band practice regularly, and I have put in alot of effort to make the National Anthemn and the school song as perfect as can be, and like because of that Andre goes around scolding me, cos I SUCK. Whatever, so a few of my section peers, whom don't come for the 2 rehearsals (or they only come for 1) the worst is the one who didn't come for both, well look it's quite obvious that they can't play the song smoothly and like I'm sure that it's not perfect and like guess what! While I work my ass off practicing, my section peers well didn't do anything! Lay their ass in this morning, take out their trumpet and play a few notes, no cut nothing done. And this is unfair. Am I to conclude that like oh well, I don't have to come for band practice just come on an event/competition/concert day and well happy ending!? And like I tell you my section peers did not receive a proper audition of the concert, cos they ponned on that day, while I prayed, feared, in the audition. This is so unfair. Life is unfair but so what? I don't get anything in return for trying so hard cos my SL thinks I suck the most.
What's the point?
Jun Xiang bitched on Tuesday, 8th August, 2006, 21 35 hours.
Listened to music @ 9:40 PM
Music. What is about music that entices us band members? The harmony of the different instruments? The melody of the song? The mood of the song? Or the friendship and love that comes along with everything?
Music can say alot. It can be anything, Classical, Pop (yes my fav!) but still what the music says means alot in our hearts, especially those in band right? Haha, yes, music soothes us all, the lyrics (if it's Pop) sounds like our life sometimes? The mood and flow keeps us alive?
Music is fantastic, if I could lose any of my sense, it would defenitely not be my sense of hearing, for I want to hear music and its wonders and fantasies.
An impressive instant, the sheer ectacsy of music.
Ok, irregardless here... (I wasted my effort in writing an article for music!)
Here's a song for all my dear blog readers out there, one that best describes everything I feel now.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Yeah...ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Count backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Before you get too heated and turned on (and turned on)
You should've learned your lesson all in times before
You've been bruised, you've been broken
And theres my mind saying think before you go
Through that door that takes me to nowhere (yes boy)
I stopped you all romantic crazy in your head
You think I listen, no I don't care
Cause I can't focus I can't stop
You got me spinning round, round, round, round (like a record)
I can't focus it's too hot (inside)
You'll never get to Heaven if your scared of getting high
(Boy, boy) Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you, yeah...
(Boy, boy)
Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you
My concious saying, get down off the streets,
It's too dangerous and deadly (yes boy)
Has got you talking around and circles got you see,
All for the sake of sexy
And as my friends say, stop before you fall
I dont wanna pick you up again (yes boy)
He's got you all romantic and crazier each day
You think I listen, there's no way
Cause I can't focus I can't stop
You got me spinning round, round, round, round (like a record)
I can't focus it's too hot (inside)
You'll never get to Heaven if your scared of getting high
(Boy, boy)Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)Don't wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you, yeah...
(Boy, boy)Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)Don't wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you
"Red-blooded Woman" Kylie Minogue, the album Body Language
Haha I seem to idolize gay icons. (Madonna and Kylie Minogue)
Everything went from wrong to right and the stars came up and fill up the sky, the music you were playing really blew my mind it was love at first sight.
I am bored with all the spontanety gone, but then again, isn't it better?
Read my body language.
When a celebrity goes through her rumors and controversies, she realises that her closest friends are those who helped her and countered the media for her. Yes her best friends. Excatly what I feel now.
He's FUCKED - UP. I don't really care?
Before I go, read this!
MSSB Times
8th August, 2006.
MSSB's Brass Qm, Mr Tan Wei Hao Ken, goes all turn off and disgusting as reported today. Refusing to service a fellow band member because he has a personal grudge against him, the victim was forced to speak sacarstic remarks in which really made him lose his high-class status. How did he get the QM post? Oh well the media had speculated that he probably sucked up and acting obedient to get this post, as he obviously doesn't show a good attitude his work, drastically, the Woodwind Qm, Mr Ng Wei Jian who happens to be the polar opposite of Mr Tan, has impressed the media, for example, Mr Ng, writes a person's full and proper name on the list, however Mr Tan, writes nicknames, and possibly vulgarities on the list, plus Mr Tan's refusal to service a hated band member was extremely disgusting. Such attitude should be changed possibly through mature solutions like courses. Or of course, the primitive method, to threaten. We do hope that Mr Tan will wake up and realise that what he is doing is extremely childish and stupid.
Listened to music @ 7:25 PM
♥ Saturday, August 05, 2006
Quoted by www.x1a0ha0--.blogspot.com.
"wahah and i think students are just like tampons.
they tend to suck-up
there are popular brands and those are super absorbent
obviously im the most unpopular brand as i dont suck-up
hmmm you must be wondering who is kotex singapore no.1 brand....keep it to urself...shh"
Yes, must be quite obvious right, they think that i'm a SUPER BOOTLICKER. But I wonder who are really the bootlickers go check out some of the photos, I don't have them but if I have I'll make it KNOWN to all my blog readers, who they are, they take photos with their seniors, like their seniors are not in sch, means they've graduated, they SUCK UP to them cos they wanna get a NICE NICE POSITION, mind you, there are SEC3S so it means they GREED more than the EXCO, heck it if it isn't true, if they can say such stuff about me, why can't I?
I will NOT humble myself down for a bloody post, I will not BETITLE myself and rid myself of all PRIDE just for a post, i will keep my pride and backbone even to the day I DIE. If you think that I'm gonna be a FUCKED-UP HYPOCRITE and HONEY my words to PLEASE you, then you're WRONG.
They are JEALOUS cos I speak nicely and am nice to SOME seniors, they are JEALOUS that I don't like them, so to SOW DISCORD, they said I SUCK UP to those seniors whom I treat with RESPECT, oh well dem haters, bloody LOSERS.
And... band members are like CHOCOLATE
You have white choclate.

And dark chocolate.

White chocolate
- They are like AO and KT, they appear to be very friendly and nice but actually they are the society's waste.
- They taste very sweet cos they joke with you, but BEWARE for those who are the white chocolate's friends, have too much of them and it's not healthy! They make the natural chocolate lose its nutrients.
- They look white and pure but they are not.
- When you eat too much white chocolate, you get a very unpleasant feeling in your throat, same goes for them, they make you DISGUSTED after a while.
Dark chocolate
- They are like members like Chien Teng, they may appear very cold and a turn-off but they are nice chocolates in the end.
- When you first eat dark chocolate, it's VERY bitter but then slowly as it melts in your mouth, you like the taste of dark chocolate.
- Dark chocolate are very healthy, they reduce blood pressure and does something good to the heart, just like the dark chocolate band members, they are good.
- You never like dark chocolate at first, but when you realise that dark chocolate is very beneficial and good, you like it. But in band, it's not so materialistic la.
- So, the band members are now divided into white chocolate and dark chocolate, and I'm sure we all know who is the No.1 white chocolate and the No.1 dark chocolate. Just keep it to yourself.
Reasons why AO/KT don't like me.
- Gay
- Bad attitude
- Bootlicker
- Flirtatious
- Self-loving
- Confident
- Is a roadblock to their plan of band destruction. (Meaning they just want to control it.)
- Jealous cos I'm so much better of than them.
It's payback time.
I wouldn't have to do this if you weren't such a BITCH.
Go on and spam at my tagboard for all you want, I would never delete it cos the outsiders would be DISGUSTED at your immature behaviour. Oh ya, by imposing my name and thinking that people would think it's me, I'm sorry sweetheart but my TRUE friends know who I really am, that is if any of my friends asked me if I wrote what I didn't, then maybe I should change friends.
I would play along with you, since you started to roll the dice, then let's end it TOGETHER.
Jun Xiang bitched on Saturday, August 5th, 2006, 12 32 hours.
Listened to music @ 12:12 PM
♥ Thursday, August 03, 2006
Rumors are spreading around everyday. Some are as harmless as "Haha, did you hear? John said he likes pink... eew pink is for girls!" Some are as hurtful as "Omg, did you hear? Michael likes Harry, omg those two brokebacks, they like each other!" When truth to be told, Michael doesn't like Harry at all, vice versa, what those people just said are lies that only cause unthinkable consequences, such immature behaviour... I'm not saying that I don't spread rumors...
I've been affected by rumors. People have had said very unreal and unbelievable stuff about me, like a celebrity, people just spread rumors about you...
So, being that thick-skinned slut that I am, I'm gonna take it that they're just jealous of me so that's why they spread rumors.
Too bad, don't say I'm stuck up it's cos of you people that I had to say that you are jealous of me.
So hate me , you are jealous of me. I can smell the vinegar in the air...
Jun Xiang bitched on Thursday, August 03, 2006, 22 01 hours.
Listened to music @ 10:06 PM
♥ Wednesday, August 02, 2006
IF NOT, AS I SAID, FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that that's off my chest, let's talk about other stuff. So glad that there are no art lessons cos life science take over... Whoopie doodie.
That's all, my blogging mood has been completely destroyed by some fuck face.
Jun Xiang bitched on Wednesday, 2nd August, 2oo6. 22 42 hours.
Listened to music @ 10:47 PM